This cold ain't as infectious as your smile.
You're hotter than my fever.
I think you're suffering from a lack on vitamin me.
I think you’re the cure I’ve been searching for.
The only thing I’m infected by is attraction to you.
You look like the type of medicine I need.
Are you here for a fever? Cause damn you're hot.
You're looking a little cold over there. Why don't you come close so I can warm you with my feverish body.
Hey girl, are you the influenza virus? Because you make me want stay in bed all day and sweat a lot.
You're as hot as my temperature.
My muscle aches are nothing compared to the heartache you’re causing me.
Are you a hot glass of chicken noodle soup? Because I'd love to drink you up!
I was shivering, until I saw your hot body.