You're so beautiful, when I look at you my heart starts beating… I think.
You're the girl of my nightmares.
That's a nice black lace Victorian-era corset. But it would look nicer crumpled up in a ball on my bedroom floor!
May I dig my nails into your back?
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
Do you have a mirror in your pocket? I just want to make sure my eyeliner is on thick enough.
If I said you had a pale body would you hold it against me?
I never knew hellish demons flew so close to the ground.
All of my most important poems and drawings are in this little book. And I'd like you to have it because they're mostly about you.
Is that a candle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
I heard milk does the body good, but DAMN! Blood does too?
Pardon me, but my corset has come unlaced. Could you tighten it for me?
Don't you think the human voice, wailing in agony, is the most beautiful of all instruments?
Let's put the 'fun' in funeral!
Tell me, is your heart as cold and black as your eyes?
Is that blood or wine your having cause I was gonna get you another.
I lost my black lipstick, can I borrow yours?
You've stolen my heart away. Luckily, I've got another three or four in the freezer.
Nice shoes, wanna drink blood?
I'm dead inside, but you make something in my pants alive.
Can I skin you alive. I want to see your inner beauty.
Hey girl, are you a satanist?
I found this pentagram on the floor at the club last night, is it yours? Well, if it's not, I'd like to give it to you anyway.
Hey, I'm looking for a second girlfriend. How about you?
You're just how I like my meat: raw and bloody.
You are as sexy as death itself.
Wanna go for a spin in my hearse?