You and my cardiac stent have something in common, my heart needs you.
How'd you like to be in my will?
You ever been with a man that has Parkinson's? You won't need to do a thing. Just hold on tight and I'll do the rest.
One game of penochle and your desitin ass is mine.
I might be a retired photographer, but I can still picture us together.
You remind me of my false teeth, cos I'd love to take you out for the night.
Hey babe, How 'bout we snort some Maalox together?
I think you dropped your teeth.
I'm on my fourth hour so let's get this done so you can get me to the emergency room.
Do you like flowers because I can see a flower just by looking at you.
I'll hold your teeth if you would hold my cane!
I have a little blue pill, and it has your name all over it.
You don't look a day over 69.
Want to blow my grankids' inheritances?
Hey baby, these teeth are real.
You’re so sweet, you’re giving my dentures cavities.
Wanna come back to my place and see my itchings?
I've got a tiny blue pill with your name on it.
None of my children lives with me.
Did it hurt when you fell from the sky or have I finally made it to Heaven. If that's the case I didn't feel a thing!
Let's move things to the bedroom. We can use my stairlift.
My hips don't lie...except for the artificial one.
Let's make sweet love in the backseat of my car by the light of the blinking left turn indicator.
Either my pacemaker just shot craps or I'm in love.
Wanna sit on my lap and take a ride on my Hoveround?
You make me want to party like it's 1949!
Hey baby, is that a urinary drainage bag in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?
Baby is your name Cholesterol, because you send my blood pressure skyrocketing!
I'll meet you for dinner. Does noon work?