Lets play war, I'll lay down, and you blow the hell outta me.
Are you up for a little tactical insertion?
Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my privates standing at attention.
Target aquired, weapons hot, cleared to engage.
Uncle Sam ain't the only one who wants you.
Wanna know why I'm known as a 'drill' sergeant?
You look like a rebel. Wanna mess with government property?
Save water and shower with an airman.
Are you in the Air Force? Cause your hotter than the engine of an F-22A Raptor.
Is that your 60? Or are you just happy to see me?
You served our country, I wanna serve you.
I'm the boot, you're the lace holding me together.
Did you just fall out of a B-17? Because you're the bomb.
Is that a radio in between your legs? Because comm is about to go down!
Is that an M4 or are you just happy to see me?
Can I put my gun in your holster?
Asking for permission to enter friendly lines. Permission granted?
Are you an officer? Coz I just love to be in your company.
My sights are locked on you!
If you sleep with me, I'll let you bomb New Jersey back to the Stone Age.
Wanna make a trajectory were our vectors intersect?
I'll share a foxhole with you any day.
When you walk into the room, I know the cavalry has come.
Your breath reminds me of the smell of gunpowder that flows over the quiet battlefield.
I'm looking for a place to land my stealth bomber.
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
I'm a Navy guy, and I'd fight for our relationship like I'd fight for our country.
You only have to give me one pushup, soldier, if it's your bra.
I'm about to flank you from the rear.