
Law Pick Up Lines for Students, Layers and Paralegals

Law can be a serious profession, so why not lighten the mood with some funny law related pick up lines. Flirt at the court house with your favorite paralegals and lawyers or those sweet law students.

Top Law Pick Up Lines

Would you like to see my power of attorney?
If loving you is a crime, then I'm looking at a life sentence.
Did it hurt...when you fell from heaven? Because I know a good personal injury lawyer.
There is no burden of proof for how fine you are.
I hope you don't object to this leading question but, you want me don't you?
I love you beyond a reasonable doubt.
Wanna check what's inside this brief?
I'm going to sue the pants off you.
Wanna come over to where I have a reasonable expectation of privacy?
If everyone is the general rule, to me you are the only exception.
Together we will build an irrevocable trust.
If you're my client, I'll get you off. If you aren't, the offer still stands.
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you could be entitled to compensation.
I booked us a library discussion room so we can study the 'Laws of Attraction' without disruption.
I just want you to know that, despite having no legal obligation to, I will come to your aid if you require it.
I believe that it's in our best interest to comply with section 69 of the act.
You've unjustly enriched me, let me give you some restitution.
Is that an amicus curiae or are you just happy to see me?
You must be a verdict, because you’ve sentenced me to love.
Are you a legal memo? Because you’ve outlined everything I need to be happy.
Don't take this the wrong way, counselor, but I think you should drop your suit.
I am a good lawyer and I like to be on top of things.
Wanna play with my Jurisdiction?
I know a great way I could serve justice today, should I stop by your office?
You're in law school? Would you like to go over my briefs?
Are you up for some intercourse from which spurious issue may arise?
I've been applying strict scrutiny to your body, and it's compelling.
I hear you're of good fame and character. Just disclothes, and I'll admit you.
I may be a criminal defense attorney, but my clients aren't the only ones I get off.
How about a notice of motion?

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Would you like to see my power of attorney?
If loving you is a crime, then I'm looking at a life sentence.
Did it hurt...when you fell from heaven? Because I know a good personal injury lawyer.