Good thing I'm a swimmer because I'm drowning in your eyes.
Are you a gold medal? Because I won't stop until I get to you.
Are you a lanerope because I can't seem to stop hitting on you?
Is your name taper? Cause you are everything I've been waiting for.
Baby you're as irresistible as pulling on the lane line during backstroke.
Baby are you the 400IM because you sure take my breathe away.
Are you the end of practice? Because you're always on my mind.
You are like my snorkel, because you're wrapped around my mind.
Are you the black line? Because I'm lost without you.
Are you a sprint set? Because baby, you take my breath away.
You must be a distance swimmer because you're one in a million.
Are you the 200 breast stroke? Because baby you make my knees weak.
Hey babe are you a swimmer? Cause you've been swimming through my mind all day.
Are you a black line? Because I could stare at you all day long.
Is your name flip-turn, because I'm head over heels for you.
You can quit swimming after your dreams, I'm right here.
Boy, I wanna go swimming but I'm already drowning in your eyes.
Are you a flip turn? Because I'm head over heels for you.
Are you a lap counter? Because without you, I'm lost.
Are you a swim bag? Because you got everything I need.
How'd you like to go on a long romantic warm down and split the lane?
Are you a touch pad? Because I'd be the first to tap that.
I perform best when I'm wet.
Are you a lane rope? Because I want to lay on you all day long.
Are you a backstroke start? Because baby you got me bending over backwards for you.
Are you the 100 breast? Cause baby you make my knees weak.
My pull buoy's not the only thing that goes between these thighs.
You must be a swimmer because man, you are a hottie la mottie with a swimmers body.
Are you a dive set? Because you leave my knees weak.
I'm not sure if it's the 200 butterfly or you that just took my breath away.