
Pick Up Lines for Psychology Students

We'll help you pull a psychology student with our mind blowing psychology pick up lines.

The Best Psychology Pick Up Lines

Who needs drugs that will stimulate dopamine transmission when simply being with you does the trick.
Are you Broca’s Aphasia? Because you leave me speechless...
Are you Phineas Gage? Because I lost my mind for you.
You raise my oxytocin levels.
Is your name chocolate, bc you make my seratonin levels rise and give me a sense of pleasure.
Girl you flood my dopamine neurotransmitters.
According to the Similarity Attraction Effect, I must be attractive because you're beautiful.
Baby are you tired because you've been running through my reticular formation all day.
Girl I've got some allostatic load for you right here.
Don't mind me observing you, I'm just doing some case study.
Are you a conditioned stimulus? Because you're making me drool.
I must have a nuerodegenerative disease because I've forgotten your number cutie.
I'll be a prisoner, you be a guard. Abuse me!
Is your medulla inflamed? Because you made my heart skip a beat!
Hey baby, will you let me socially penetrate your triangular theory of love?
Let me show you a relaxation technique not used for systematic desensitization.
Do I remember you from my dreams, or is that just a false memory?
Has the mere-exposure effect kicked in yet, or do I need to spam more of your instagram pictures?
Girl you put me in an altered state of consciousness.
You activate my nucelus accumbens like no other.
Your ego may be saying 'no', but your id is giving me a tongue bath.
Baby you're so fine my brain is changing structure just to process it.
Do come lay on my couch... With me.
My unconscious mind is urging me to talk to you.
When you fell from heaven, did it leave you with any lasting emotional scars?
You are the greatest perception of my heart's delusion!
Let me Freudian slip into you tonight.
You're into threesomes? Great, 'cause I've got split personality.
Who's your daddy? Do I remind you of him?
I'm not feeling myself today, may I feel you?

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Who needs drugs that will stimulate dopamine transmission when simply being with you does the trick.
Are you Broca’s Aphasia? Because you leave me speechless...
Are you Phineas Gage? Because I lost my mind for you.