I may not be Elisha but will you open the door anyway.
Let me see your shirt tag, that's right, made in Eden.
You bring the apples i'll bring the honey
I'll take you to the promised land.
Don't worry I won't passover you.
Baby lets run away together, just Jew and Me.
This saltwater reminds me of the tears that came to my eyes when I first saw you.
I like my women like I like my dreidels... bottom heavy.
All I want for Channukah, is you.
Once you go Jew, nothing else will do
Excuse me, this Yom Kippur I have no sins for which to atone. Can you help?
Is that a dreidel in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Have I seen you on j-date?
Do you want to shake my luluv?
Do you want something to attone for on yom kippur?
Can I dip my maror in your charoset.
I don't care what the Torah says, I'm not leaving any of your four corners unplowed.
God just told me there was going to be a flood and I've decided to save you.
The gates of repentance are always open...just like my heart for you.
Lets do it like adam and eve, behind some bushes.
That's a nice-looking yarmulke you're wearing, but it would look even better lying next to my bed tomorrow morning.
If I raise my staff will it only part the sea?
Are you the massiah, beacuse I've been waiting for you
There may be plenty of gefilte fish in the kitchen, but you're the only one my bubbe approves of.
On Yom Kippur, the Mishnah prohibits marital relations. Thank God we're not married!
Can I light your manorah?
Once you go Jew, no Christian will do.
Is your Succah kosher? Cause the only stars I can see are in your eyes
Are you Jewish? Cause the way you're looking at me, I'm beginning to think I would kiss you.