Since chocolate is toxic to me, how ’bout a little sugar?
You can pee on my fire hydrant all night long.
I smelled you down the street, and my nose brought me right to you.
Sorry, baby. I thought it was hump day...
I'll sniff your butt if you sniff mine.
Come on, don’t make me beg!
We should get our dogs together for a playdate.
I'm looking for a no-strings-attached cuddle buddy.
How do I tell my dog he was adopted?
I don't normally pick up at the park. I let my owner do it.
Hey baby, meeting you has given me a new leash on life.
Is that your dog’s tail wagging or are you just happy to see me?
I'll let you sniff mine if i can sniff yours.
I've crossed all the dog parks in the world to find you.
ee, your ass smells terrific!
You make me want to be a more obedient dog.
Have your people call my people.
Hello baby, know it has given me a new leash on life.
Sniff my butt. It’s the quickest way to my heart.
What a great looking dog – can I pet you – I mean him?
Roll over. I’ll scratch your belly
There's not a crate strong enough in the world to keep me from you.
Baby, you are what I call a hot dog!
Wanna come back to my place and pick fleas off each other?