Short Jokes about Women. Sure, women can be a bit sensitive, but it's just a joke right? Be prepared to dodge plates, knives or maybe even the kitchen sink. It better be funny.
What gets easier to pick up the heavier it gets? -- Women.
What's the real punishment for bigamy? More than one mother-in-law!
Being an ugly girl is like being a man; you have to work for your money.
Why don't women need watches? - There's a clock on the stove.
A quiet man, is a thinking man. A quiet woman, is usually mad.
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.
I married my wife for her looks...but not the ones she's been giving me lately!
What do you call a woman with one black eye? -- A quick Learner.
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? -- Nothing, she's been told twice.
I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?
Why do men have 2 heads and women 4 lips? -- Cause men do all the thinking and women do all the talking.
Women never have anything to wear. Don't question the racks of clothes in the closet; you "just don't understand"
Why do women have small feet? -- So they can stand closer to the kitchen counter.
What's the difference between a woman and a computer? -- A computer only needs the information punched into it once.
Why do women have periods? -- Because they deserve them.
A man driving a car hits a woman. Whose fault is it? The man's. Why was he driving in the kitchen?
What do you do if a bird shits on your car? -- Don't ask her out again.
Q: What do you do when your wife's staggering?
A: Shoot her again.
How do you fix a woman's watch? You don't. There is a clock on the stove.
Women love to shop. It is the one area of the world where they feel like they're actually in control.