
Funny Halloween Jokes, Puns and Riddles - Part 9

Jokes for that spooky time of year. Make those ghosts and ghouls giggle with our funny Halloween jokes.

The Best Funny Halloween Jokes

What's a skeletons favorite part of the house? - the living room
What did the teenage witch ask her mother on Haloween? - Can i have the keys to the broom tonight.
Why can't a Skeleton Lift Weights? - He's all bone & no muscle.
What does the papa ghost say to his family when driving? Fasten your sheet belts.
Who was the most famous French skeleton? - Napoleon bone-apart
Which building does Dracula visit in New York? - The Vampire State Building.
How does a witch tell time? She looks at her witch watch.

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What's a skeletons favorite part of the house? - the living room
What did the teenage witch ask her mother on Haloween? - Can i have the keys to the broom tonight.
Why can't a Skeleton Lift Weights? - He's all bone & no muscle.