Keep the jokes short and funny. No one wants to read a long joke just to find out it's not that funny. One Liners is the answer. Who has time for long jokes anyway? Life's too short, take in as many as you can. Why waste your memory on long boring jokes? Our jokes are nice and easy to memorize to cheer up your friends or use it as a pick up line at the bar to break the ice. If you want a funny story, you won't find it here, short and funny jokes for a quick funny fix.
I hope Jamaican yourself feel okay because I bet I can make you feel better with my hands.
The color palate of your face is really great in this lighting.
I can tell a grape's ripe by the way it tastes.
A lawyer who likes to go fishing is an attorney-at-lure.
I met the woman of my dreams at the base of Mount Vesuvius. She is the lava my life.
Can you tame my diamondback? Everybody else has.
If ugliness were a crime, you'd be serving a life sentence without parole.
I mixed up the cardiac resuscitation equipment with the lie detector, but I will de-fib you later.
You make my heart race, and there is no finish line.
Hey girl, did you come hungry in order to leave happy?
Your face could make a haunted house seem like a pleasant vacation spot.
You smell like silage and sunshine.
I'll show you some takedown my number techniques.
If you were a TSA agent, I would be happy to get a body scan.
How many horses can you fit in your barn?
I knew angels could fly, but I didn't know they could run.
Your mirror must have the patience of a saint to endure the sight of your hideous reflection every day.
Baseball players only wear one glove so they can leave the other hand free to hold girls like you.
I studied in France and worked harvest in Italy, I've learned some of the secrets to making great wine and I'd love to share them with you.