Keep the jokes short and funny. No one wants to read a long joke just to find out it's not that funny. One Liners is the answer. Who has time for long jokes anyway? Life's too short, take in as many as you can. Why waste your memory on long boring jokes? Our jokes are nice and easy to memorize to cheer up your friends or use it as a pick up line at the bar to break the ice. If you want a funny story, you won't find it here, short and funny jokes for a quick funny fix.
Do you believe in love at first set or should I curl this 15 more times?
Let me see your shirt tag, that's right, made in Eden.
Zookeepers spot clean their leopards.
Hay girl, are you crippling depression? Because I'm going to be in bed curled up with you all day!
Looking at you takes my breath away like standing at the top of Mount Columbia.
Is that a stalagmite feature or are you just happy to see me?
No matter how many 3-pointers I've made, it means nothing if I can't hoop your heart.
Dating me is like being in a rickshaw on a potholed road – one helluva ride!
Come on now, ride your cowboy.
Q. What's blue and fluffy
A. Pink fluff holding it's breath
Want to be the susceptible host to my airborne pathogen?
Are you dopamine? Because I just can't seem to get enough of you.
How did the hipster burn his mouth? He ate the pizza before it was cool.
Are you Macbeth? Because your name sends shivers down my spine.
I want to give you my heart. Literally, because it would kill me.
I may not be able to do miracles, but I got fish and bread enough for two. Would you like to join me?
What do you call a big Irish spider? -- A Paddy long legs.
1+1 is equal to 4 if we don't use condoms.
I usually use protection, but I'll make an exception.