
Short & Funny Jokes - Part 51

Keep the jokes short and funny. No one wants to read a long joke just to find out it's not that funny. One Liners is the answer. Who has time for long jokes anyway? Life's too short, take in as many as you can. Why waste your memory on long boring jokes? Our jokes are nice and easy to memorize to cheer up your friends or use it as a pick up line at the bar to break the ice. If you want a funny story, you won't find it here, short and funny jokes for a quick funny fix.

Top Funny Short Jokes

This sunburn is hot, but baby... you're hotter.
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
What kind of gum do ghosts chew? - Boo Boo Gum.
Is your name Heskey? Because I would love to take you out for Emile.
Will you teach my tongue how to surf?
One game of penochle and your desitin ass is mine.
Is that your dorsal fin or are you just happy to see me?
What can't you give the headless horseman? - A headache.
Excuse me miss, could you hold my balls while I get my racket out of my bag?
We have so much potential ... let's make it kinetic.
All I want for Channukah, is you.
Do you play singles tournaments often?
Can we rally forever so we stay in love?
I'm missing a key ingredient for my pizza, and that's you.
Man this pizza smells good! Oh wait, that's you.
Why are skeletons so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.
Your court or mine?
What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta.
You know, musicians have great rhythm.
My forehand isn't the only stroke I know.

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This sunburn is hot, but baby... you're hotter.
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
What kind of gum do ghosts chew? - Boo Boo Gum.