Keep the jokes short and funny. No one wants to read a long joke just to find out it's not that funny. One Liners is the answer. Who has time for long jokes anyway? Life's too short, take in as many as you can. Why waste your memory on long boring jokes? Our jokes are nice and easy to memorize to cheer up your friends or use it as a pick up line at the bar to break the ice. If you want a funny story, you won't find it here, short and funny jokes for a quick funny fix.
Are you feline the connection between us?
If you can dance, you have my hand, but if you can sing, you have my heart.
What do your boss and a slinky have in common? They're both fun to watch tumble down the stairs.
Why was the JavaScript developer sad? -- Because he didn't Node how to Express himself.
How do you catch an Ether Bunny? -- With an Ethernet.
Would you like to join me for brunch? You're looking eggstra-special.
Morning is the time when everyone is jealous of unemployed.
I wouldn't mind if your beaver built a dam in my river.
I'm the boot, you're the lace holding me together.
I may not play the guitar but I can pluck your g-string.
One cigarette shortens your life by two hours, one bottle of vodka by three hours, and a workday, eight hours.
Did you just fall out of a B-17? Because you're the bomb.
I would hit that like the side of a tree on Endor.
Ice cold coffee? Cool beans!
My ears are not the only things that are long!
Are you a sugar maple? Because I'd totally tap you.
Your smile glows brighter than a lightsaber.
I really like your carboys.
'I got lost in the streets of Paris,' he said ruefully.
Are you in the outfield? Because you're an angel.