Keep the jokes short and funny. No one wants to read a long joke just to find out it's not that funny. One Liners is the answer. Who has time for long jokes anyway? Life's too short, take in as many as you can. Why waste your memory on long boring jokes? Our jokes are nice and easy to memorize to cheer up your friends or use it as a pick up line at the bar to break the ice. If you want a funny story, you won't find it here, short and funny jokes for a quick funny fix.
Hey beautiful, they still let me drive. Wanna go for a ride?
I'm really into architecture; want to see my CN tower?
Are you an F# because I miss you constantly.
Are you a fisherman? Because you just reeled me in!
Do you have any tequila? Because I’m looking to get a little bit of salt, a little bit of lime, and a whole lot of you.
You’re my favorite way to start the new year—with someone worth celebrating.
What is a Skeleton's favorite song. - Bad to the Bone
Why is a burning Christmas candle like being thirsty? Because a little water ends both of them
When I suffered a groin injury I became quite testy.
My neighbor's sprinkler is a constant irrigation to me.
Parking - an average sovereign.
These mason jars fit perfectly in my hand. I bet you would too.
Are you theatre curtains? Cause I like it when you open up.
I know the Holy Family has set the bar pretty high, but I am willing to strive for that kind of Holiness in a family if you are?
Are those matza balls in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
Are you an angel? Because I wish I was dead and if so, that'd be a great sign.
I've fallen for you and I can't get up.
Will you help me erect my totem pole?
I’m so hooked on you that I’ll even bait my own hook.
Can I buy you a drink? Or do you prefer cash tips?