
Tell them how you love them.

Telling someone how much you love them can really make thier day. Here's some love for everybody!

The Best I Love You

Guess what? -- I love you!
I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
You're my drug and I'm addicted to you!
I love you like a bear loves honey.
I love you like pancakes love syrup.
Words can't describe how much I love you.
You make my heart race.
Your smile makes me smile.
You're sweet like candy.
I don't know what I would do without you.
You make me laugh like no other!
I love you more than Monkeys loves Bananas!
I'd let you steal the white part of my Oreo.
I can't imagine life without you.
You're the cheese in my macaroni.
I love you like cookies love milk.
I love you more than Superman loves to fly.
I love you more than a dog loves a fire hydrant!
I need you more than a fish needs water.
You're the salsa to my tortilla chips.

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